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Tax Credit Calculator Disclaimer

The Tax Credit Calculator provided on this website is intended for informational purposes only. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date estimates, the results generated by the calculator may vary and should not be considered as definitive figures. The numbers produced by the calculator are based on the information provided by the user and certain assumptions.

These estimates may not reflect the exact amount of tax credits or incentives that your production may be eligible for. It is important to note that tax credit eligibility and amounts may be subject to change based on various factors, including changes in legislation or regulations.

Additionally, the final determination of tax credit eligibility and amounts will be made by the relevant tax authorities based on the specific details of your production. Therefore, we recommend using the results generated by the Tax Credit Calculator as a general guide only. For more accurate and personalized information regarding tax credits and incentives for your production, we encourage you to consult with a qualified tax professional or legal advisor.

Furthermore, the use of the Tax Credit Calculator does not establish any client relationship between you and our organization. We disclaim any liability for errors or omissions in the calculator results or for any actions taken based on the information provided by the calculator. For further information and guidance regarding tax credits and incentives for film and television productions, please consult our dedicated information page on our website or contact us directly.

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